Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity by Bill O'Reilly

Bill O’Reilly created and hosts a news program that has dominated in the United States for the last nine years and also enjoys a strong world-wide audience. His success, in my opinion, is a result of his approach at seeking an independent view of current events. He created what he calls The No Spin Zone where the point is to gain a straight-shooting, no BS assessment of situations, root causes and best solutions. Holding people accountable for the actions or lack thereof is the backbone of this approach.

Bold Fresh is a memoir written in an attempt to explain the source of this phenomenal approach. This book is as an insightful view into Marcus Buckingham’s point that everyone sees the world through their own unique perspective which is a result of their predisposition, upbringing, education and life experiences.

A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity has remained on the top seller lists for what now seems like forever and the book is definitely an experience to recommend in the fullest. Presented here are the gem’s of Bill O’Reilly’s accumulated wisdom.

I am personally proud to share in his Irish, Catholic, Long Island heritage.

The most interesting part of life is achieving goals and overcoming challenges.

Harness criticism. Bill O’Reilly has personally proven that you can drive career success by working harder to disprove critics. As O’Reilly put it, “Living well is not the best revenge. Succeeding in your career and humiliating your critics is.” And O’Reilly has certainly showed up innumerable critics!

Be a calculated risk-taker and allow yourself the chance to fall flat on your face. Not allowing for this makes one risk averse and they stop trying. Ensure that failure is only a prelude to trying again. (Remember the model of perseverance that is Abraham Lincoln, having failed at so much before eventually becoming one of the most revered US Presidents of all time.)

Work hard, keep a clear head, don't compromise when you know you're right, give most people the benefit of the doubt, don't fear authority, and definitely have a good time.

Every person can, and should, design their own life. Individual responsibility is the key to success in life. Expect—and accept—nothing from anyone else.  Do it yourself.

Get comfortable in the Zone of Independence.  Self-reliance is the key.  “Have regular honest conversations with yourself.  Questioning yourself sharply keeps the mind sharp and creates a personal no-spin zone.  Finding the root of your mistakes makes repeats much less likely.”

“Independent thinking leads to problem solving, fairness, compassion, and wisdom.” Independent thinking leads to the habit of researching issues and forming opinions based on accumulated facts to back them up.

The opposite of independent thinking is blind acceptance of popular opinion or ideology which “usually leads to narrow-mindedness, robotic acceptance of propaganda, and, eventually, ideology is correct on every issue.”

Deal in tough reality, not wishful thinking. Create your own “No Spin Zone” around you.

Create your own opportunities and execute them. Rely on no one else when it comes to improving your situation. If you know you can do better, go out and create the situation where you can. If you want it—make it happen.

Speculation, no matter how well-informed, is almost always a waste of time, although opinion can provide some value.

Present your case or belief then stand back and let the listener decide. Remember, it is ok to disagree on how to see life (although not necessarily issues or facts) so long as the disagreement is sincere.

When critics pound you, fight back and fight back smart.

Bad things will happen, prepare for it! Life is a series of challenges and that is by design of the Creator.

Life is unfair. It is how effectively you handle inevitable unfairness that largely will dictate whether you succeed or fail.

3 General Strategies for Dealing with Unfairness
  1. Ignore - Most choose to ignore and then hold it inside of them, breeding resentment.
  2. Confront - Confrontation leads to a situation. You need power to fight. Fighting can make you stronger but a wiser, more effective approach can spare you a lot of grief.
  3. Deal with later, using a well-thought out strategy. A patient approach allows all options to become clear.


 Fear makes many accept the unacceptable such as settling for less than they can achieve.

"Fear is your friend if you can control it”, said Cus D'Amato, the famed boxing trainer, quoted by Bill O’Reilly.


True courage is not about being fearless; it is about overcoming fear, going ahead with something worthwhile even though you’re terrified. But don't be stupid either. Risks must be calculated.


"Taming fear helps you stand up to injustice. Legacy is all about how many wrongs you made right, how many people you helped. But make no mistake, righting the wrongs you encounter means conflict and you will be made to suffer for it."


 The power of choice in all people is basically the choice between good and evil. You either fight evil or you accept it. Doing nothing is accepting it.


God and the presence of evil in the world: without the ability to choose evil, there would be no free will to choose good. It is like when a parent allows a child to make a choice in a situation where, to an adult, the choice is blatantly obvious. Parents provide the opportunity of choice so the child can better appreciate outcomes and therefore learn.


You cannot justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior.



 When faced with workplace injustice, slug it out. Slugging it out is not always the right move—it can be a career killer but it is great basic training for those who are Crusaders. Hold people accountable! Crusades ARE polarizing.


Dangers of crusading: blowback and losing perspective by becoming self righteous.


Rehearse meetings and events. Do not write a script but coming mentally prepared makes events go much better by reducing your stress. A relaxed mind is much more creative.



People need structure and discipline.  Kids need structure and accountability.



Do not spend frivolously. Do not make vanity purchases but do spend for essentials like travel comfort and good food.


Fend for yourself without drama.


Few expectations mean few disappointments.


Money buys security from harm and often can mitigate difficult situations. Power leads to opportunities.


Learn patience and not to get annoyed when it is really not warranted. Do not sweat the small stuff…but then again shouldn't we fuss about getting it right? Try to be a big-stuff guy like Jesus or Ghandi. Patience is its own reward but impatience gets things done.


Be practical. No four-dollar coffees. Avoid pretension but do not undervalue your time or accept abuse.



Disaster is always on the horizon for those who have to struggle just to get by. For those who grew up with power and privilege, the mindset is that things will work out. A more apprehensive leader will react more urgently to bad news.  This can explain why many formal leaders are painfully slow to move on crisis situations.


Powerful people control their environment.

The powerful get things done. They demand results and people fear not delivering for them.

According to Donald Trump, there are two kinds of people:
  1. Those who take it
  2. Those who don't take it.

Perhaps this is Bill's personal secret to success.  He deflects attacks on himself by taking up the fights for others.


O'Reilly says "Trump is right. If you are being mistreated, you should fight back. Try to reason at first but if rejected, come in hard."


Power is derived from the folks or by big money.

Beware of pretension if you do accumulate power.


The world increasingly celebrates selfishness and materialism. Resist and always strive for fairness and justice. Help everyone you can help. Help will find its way to you.



Social conversations must be maintained as confidential. Keep personal stuff personal (as in private).


Calling someone “a work in progress” is a copout. We are all works in progress.

Most folks do not change. Evil is not acquired. Watch how a person treats their mother and children. If mother is not treated decently you do not want to know them. Damaging a child is forever. When someone you know does something wrong, do not overlook it. If it's habitual, you will eventually be targeted. Scorpions sting because it is their nature.


Eat healthy to perform well and last long.

All men are created equal but from then on training makes the difference.


Appearance and speech are critical to success.

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