Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Is Important In a Career

I was being interviewed recently and I figured I would share some of my thoughts here.

Stephen Covey said adults are essentially big kids and I agree. While I also agree that we can act our way into a new way of thinking, I also believe that essentially our default emotional response is a reflection of our personality established very early on. Don't get me wrong, I have personally validated that we can drive personal growth at any stage in life, embracing the concept of our power to choose our response to any stimulus.

I was asked what industry I wanted to work in, given a choice. My response was industry is not important because skills are easy to acquire so long as a person is sharp and committed. What is truly important is how one relates to others, how one works with others and how one leads in group dynamics.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. In addition, it seems that the more you know, the more you realize how little you do know. Like kids, we are curious and eager to learn.

    I have been reading a couple of books about branding. The first is a basic ABC lesson on what branding is and how to ensure that the principles are being adhered to minimize pitfalls. It is a good starting point, and will certainly cover the main considerations of how to promote your brand.

    The 2nd deals with PERSONAL BRANDING. The book is called The Brand of YOU. I am in the middle of the book and have gained a lot of valuable insight about myself in the process. A brand is not what you want people to view it as, it is HOW other people want to view it as. Your brand IS you...not your logo, not your company name. People do business with people they know and like and trust. If you project yourself in this manner, then people will work with you. This book is powerful and a highly recommended read. I can't wait to finish it today!

    Thanks for taking the time to share your insights. I am just as passionate about Business Development as you are!
